Ekran çözünürlüğünü ayarlamak
Formlarınızı 1024 x 768 çözünürlüğe göre yaptınız ama diğer pc de çözünürlük 800 x 600 ve doğal olarak bütün tasarımınız boyut değiştirdi. Wink Ne olacak şimdi?

Formlarınızı istediğiniz çözünürlükte ayarlamak için alttaki kodları bir module kopyalayın ve ilgili formun açılışına ya da bir düğmenin tıklama kodlarına ise
ReSizeForm Me

eğer altform var ise

ResizeForm Me!altformismi.Form

modul kodları,

Visual Basic
  1. Option Compare Database
  2. Option Explicit
  3. '-----------------------------MODULE CONSTANTS & VARIABLES------------------------------
  6. '(e.g. 800 X 600 -> 800)
  9. '(e.g. 800 X 600 -> 600)
  10. Private Const DESIGN_PIXELS As Long = 96 '<- CHANGE THIS VALUE TO THE DPI
  12. '(If in doubt do not alter the
  13. 'DESIGN_PIXELS setting as most
  14. 'systems use 96 dpi.)
  15. Private Const WM_HORZRES As Long = 8
  16. Private Const WM_VERTRES As Long = 10
  17. Private Const WM_LOGPIXELSX As Long = 88
  18. Private Const TITLEBAR_PIXELS As Long = 18
  19. Private Const COMMANDBAR_PIXELS As Long = 26
  20. Private Const COMMANDBAR_LEFT As Long = 0
  21. Private Const COMMANDBAR_TOP As Long = 1
  22. Private OrigWindow As tWindow 'Module level variable holds the
  23. 'original window dimensions before
  24. 'resize.
  26. Private Type tRect
  27. left As Long
  28. Top As Long
  29. right As Long
  30. bottom As Long
  31. End Type
  33. Private Type tDisplay
  34. Height As Long
  35. Width As Long
  36. DPI As Long
  37. End Type
  39. Private Type tWindow
  40. Height As Long
  41. Width As Long
  42. End Type
  44. Private Type tControl
  45. Name As String
  46. Height As Long
  47. Width As Long
  48. Top As Long
  49. left As Long
  50. End Type
  51. '-------------------------- END MODULE CONSTANTS & VARIABLES----------------------------
  53. '------------------------------------API DECLARATIONS-----------------------------------
  54. Private Declare Function WM_apiGetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetDeviceCaps" _
  55. (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
  57. Private Declare Function WM_apiGetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" Alias "GetDesktopWindow" _
  58. () As Long
  60. Private Declare Function WM_apiGetDC Lib "user32" Alias "GetDC" _
  61. (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
  63. Private Declare Function WM_apiReleaseDC Lib "user32" Alias "ReleaseDC" _
  64. (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
  66. Private Declare Function WM_apiGetWindowRect Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowRect" _
  67. (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As tRect) As Long
  69. Private Declare Function WM_apiMoveWindow Lib "user32.dll" Alias "MoveWindow" _
  70. (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _
  71. ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long
  73. Private Declare Function WM_apiIsZoomed Lib "user32.dll" Alias "IsZoomed" _
  74. (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
  75. '--------------------------------- END API DECLARATIONS----------------------------------
  77. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. ' Procedure : getScreenResolution
  79. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  80. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  81. ' Purpose : Function returns the current height, width and dpi.
  82. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. Private Function getScreenResolution() As tDisplay
  85. Dim hDCcaps As Long
  86. Dim lngRtn As Long
  88. On Error Resume Next
  90. 'API call get current resolution:-
  91. hDCcaps = WM_apiGetDC(0) 'Get display context for desktop (hwnd = 0).
  92. With getScreenResolution
  93. .Height = WM_apiGetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps, WM_VERTRES)
  94. .Width = WM_apiGetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps, WM_HORZRES)
  95. .DPI = WM_apiGetDeviceCaps(hDCcaps, WM_LOGPIXELSX)
  96. End With
  97. lngRtn = WM_apiReleaseDC(0, hDCcaps) 'Release display context.
  99. End Function
  101. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. ' Procedure : getFactor
  103. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  104. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  105. ' Purpose : Function returns the value that the form's/control's height, width, top &
  106. ' left should be multiplied by to fit the current screen resolution.
  107. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. Private Function getFactor(blnVert As Boolean) As Single
  110. Dim sngFactorP As Single
  112. On Error Resume Next
  114. If getScreenResolution.DPI <> 0 Then
  115. sngFactorP = DESIGN_PIXELS / getScreenResolution.DPI
  116. Else
  117. sngFactorP = 1 'Error with dpi reported so assume 96 dpi.
  118. End If
  119. If blnVert Then 'return vertical resolution.
  120. getFactor = (getScreenResolution.Height / DESIGN_VERTRES) * sngFactorP
  121. Else 'return horizontal resolution.
  122. getFactor = (getScreenResolution.Width / DESIGN_HORZRES) * sngFactorP
  123. End If
  125. End Function
  127. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. ' Procedure : ReSizeForm
  129. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  130. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  131. ' Purpose : Routine should be called on a form's onOpen or onLoad event.
  132. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. Public Sub ReSizeForm(ByVal frm As Access.Form)
  135. Dim rectWindow As tRect
  136. Dim lngWidth As Long
  137. Dim lngHeight As Long
  138. Dim sngVertFactor As Single
  139. Dim sngHorzFactor As Single
  140. Dim sngFontFactor As Single
  142. On Error Resume Next
  144. sngVertFactor = getFactor(True) 'Local function returns vertical size change.
  145. sngHorzFactor = getFactor(False) 'Local function returns horizontal size change.
  146. 'Choose lowest factor for resizing fonts:-
  147. sngFontFactor = VBA.IIf(sngHorzFactor < sngVertFactor, sngHorzFactor, sngVertFactor)
  148. Resize sngVertFactor, sngHorzFactor, sngFontFactor, frm 'Local procedure to resize form sections & controls.
  149. If WM_apiIsZoomed(frm.hwnd) = 0 Then 'Don't change window settings for max'd form.
  150. Access.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMaximize 'Maximize the Access Window.
  151. 'Store for dimensions in rectWindow:-
  152. Call WM_apiGetWindowRect(frm.hwnd, rectWindow)
  153. 'Calculate and store form height and width in local variables:-
  154. With rectWindow
  155. lngWidth = .right - .left
  156. lngHeight = .bottom - .Top
  157. End With
  158. 'Resize the form window as required (don't resize this for sub forms):-
  159. If frm.Parent.Name = VBA.vbNullString Then
  160. Call WM_apiMoveWindow(frm.hwnd, ((getScreenResolution.Width - _
  161. (sngHorzFactor * lngWidth)) / 2) - getLeftOffset, _
  162. ((getScreenResolution.Height - (sngVertFactor * lngHeight)) / 2) - _
  163. getTopOffset, lngWidth * sngHorzFactor, lngHeight * sngVertFactor, 1)
  164. End If
  165. End If
  166. Set frm = Nothing 'Free up resources.
  168. End Sub
  170. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. ' Procedure : Resize
  172. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  173. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  174. ' Purpose : Routine re-scales the form sections and controls.
  175. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. Private Sub Resize(sngVertFactor As Single, sngHorzFactor As Single, sngFontFactor As _
  177. Single, ByVal frm As Access.Form)
  179. Dim ctl As Access.Control 'Form control variable.
  180. Dim arrCtls() As tControl 'Array of Tab and Option Group control properties.
  181. Dim lngI As Long 'Loop counter.
  182. Dim lngJ As Long 'Loop counter.
  183. Dim lngWidth As Long 'Stores form's new width.
  184. Dim lngHeaderHeight As Long 'Stores header's new height.
  185. Dim lngDetailHeight As Long 'Stores detail's new height.
  186. Dim lngFooterHeight As Long 'Stores footer's new height.
  187. Dim blnHeaderVisible As Boolean 'True if form header visible before resize.
  188. Dim blnDetailVisible As Boolean 'True if form detail visible before resize.
  189. Dim blnFooterVisible As Boolean 'True if form footer visible before resize.
  190. Const FORM_MAX As Long = 31680 'Maximum possible form width & section height.
  192. On Error Resume Next
  194. With frm
  195. .Painting = False 'Turn off form painting.
  196. 'Calculate form's new with and section heights and store in local variables
  197. 'for later use:-
  198. lngWidth = .Width * sngHorzFactor
  199. lngHeaderHeight = .Section(Access.acHeader).Height * sngVertFactor
  200. lngDetailHeight = .Section(Access.acDetail).Height * sngVertFactor
  201. lngFooterHeight = .Section(Access.acFooter).Height * sngVertFactor
  202. 'Now maximize the form's width and height while controls are being resized:-
  203. .Width = FORM_MAX
  204. .Section(Access.acHeader).Height = FORM_MAX
  205. .Section(Access.acDetail).Height = FORM_MAX
  206. .Section(Access.acFooter).Height = FORM_MAX
  207. 'Hiding form sections during resize prevents invalid page fault after
  208. 'resizing column widths for list boxes on forms with a header/footer:-
  209. blnHeaderVisible = .Section(Access.acHeader).Visible
  210. blnDetailVisible = .Section(Access.acDetail).Visible
  211. blnFooterVisible = .Section(Access.acFooter).Visible
  212. .Section(Access.acHeader).Visible = False
  213. .Section(Access.acDetail).Visible = False
  214. .Section(Access.acFooter).Visible = False
  215. End With
  216. 'Resize array to hold 1 element:-
  217. ReDim arrCtls(0)
  218. 'Gather properties for Tabs and Option Groups to recify height/width problems:-
  219. For Each ctl In frm.Controls
  220. If ((ctl.ControlType = Access.acTabCtl) Or _
  221. (ctl.ControlType = Access.acOptionGroup)) Then
  222. With arrCtls(lngI)
  223. .Name = ctl.Name
  224. .Height = ctl.Height
  225. .Width = ctl.Width
  226. .Top = ctl.Top
  227. .left = ctl.left
  228. End With
  229. lngI = lngI + 1
  230. ReDim Preserve arrCtls(lngI) 'Increase the size of the array.
  231. End If
  232. Next ctl
  233. 'Resize and locate each control:-
  234. For Each ctl In frm.Controls
  235. If ctl.ControlType <> Access.acPage Then 'Ignore pages in Tab controls.
  236. With ctl
  237. .Height = .Height * sngVertFactor
  238. .left = .left * sngHorzFactor
  239. .Top = .Top * sngVertFactor
  240. .Width = .Width * sngHorzFactor
  241. .FontSize = .FontSize * sngFontFactor
  242. 'Enhancement by Myke Myers --------------------------------------->
  243. 'Fix certain Combo Box, List Box and Tab control properties:-
  244. Select Case .ControlType
  245. Case Access.acListBox
  246. .ColumnWidths = adjustColumnWidths(.ColumnWidths, sngHorzFactor)
  247. Case Access.acComboBox
  248. .ColumnWidths = adjustColumnWidths(.ColumnWidths, sngHorzFactor)
  249. .ListWidth = .ListWidth * sngHorzFactor
  250. Case Access.acTabCtl
  251. .TabFixedWidth = .TabFixedWidth * sngHorzFactor
  252. .TabFixedHeight = .TabFixedHeight * sngVertFactor
  253. End Select
  254. '------------------------------------> End enhancement by Myke Myers.
  255. End With
  256. End If
  257. Next ctl
  258. '********************************************************
  259. '* Note if scaling form up: If Tab controls or Option *
  260. '* Groups are too near the bottom or right side of the *
  261. '* form they WILL distort due to the way that Access *
  262. '* keeps the child controls within the control frame. *
  263. '* Try moving these controls left or up if possible. *
  264. '* The opposite is true for scaling down so in this *
  265. '* case try moving these controls right or down. *
  266. '********************************************************
  267. 'Now try to rectify Tabs and Option Groups height/widths:-
  268. For lngJ = 0 To lngI
  269. With frm.Controls.Item(arrCtls(lngJ).Name)
  270. .left = arrCtls(lngJ).left * sngHorzFactor
  271. .Top = arrCtls(lngJ).Top * sngVertFactor
  272. .Height = arrCtls(lngJ).Height * sngVertFactor
  273. .Width = arrCtls(lngJ).Width * sngHorzFactor
  274. End With
  275. Next lngJ
  276. 'Now resize height for each section and form width using stored values:-
  277. With frm
  278. .Width = lngWidth
  279. .Section(Access.acHeader).Height = lngHeaderHeight
  280. .Section(Access.acDetail).Height = lngDetailHeight
  281. .Section(Access.acFooter).Height = lngFooterHeight
  282. 'Now unhide form sections:-
  283. .Section(Access.acHeader).Visible = blnHeaderVisible
  284. .Section(Access.acDetail).Visible = blnDetailVisible
  285. .Section(Access.acFooter).Visible = blnFooterVisible
  286. .Painting = True 'Turn form painting on.
  287. End With
  288. Erase arrCtls 'Destory array.
  289. Set ctl = Nothing 'Free up resources.
  291. End Sub
  293. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. ' Procedure : getTopOffset
  295. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  296. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  297. ' Purpose : Function returns the total size in pixels of menu/toolbars at the top of
  298. ' the Access window allowing the form to be positioned in the centre of the
  299. ' screen.
  300. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  301. Private Function getTopOffset() As Long
  303. Dim cmdBar As Object
  304. Dim lngI As Long
  306. On Error GoTo err
  308. For Each cmdBar In Application.CommandBars
  309. If ((cmdBar.Visible = True) And (cmdBar.Position = COMMANDBAR_TOP)) Then
  310. lngI = lngI + 1
  311. End If
  312. Next cmdBar
  313. getTopOffset = (TITLEBAR_PIXELS + (lngI * COMMANDBAR_PIXELS))
  315. exit_fun:
  316. Exit Function
  318. err:
  319. 'Assume only 1 visible command bar plus the title bar:
  321. Resume exit_fun
  323. End Function
  325. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. ' Procedure : getLeftOffset
  327. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  328. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  329. ' Purpose : Function returns the total size in pixels of menu/toolbars at the left of
  330. ' the Access window allowing the form to be positioned in the centre of the
  331. ' screen.
  332. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  333. Private Function getLeftOffset() As Long
  335. Dim cmdBar As Object
  336. Dim lngI As Long
  338. On Error GoTo err
  340. For Each cmdBar In Application.CommandBars
  341. If ((cmdBar.Visible = True) And (cmdBar.Position = COMMANDBAR_LEFT)) Then
  342. lngI = lngI + 1
  343. End If
  344. Next cmdBar
  345. getLeftOffset = (lngI * COMMANDBAR_PIXELS)
  347. exit_fun:
  348. Exit Function
  350. err:
  351. 'Assume no visible command bars:-
  352. getLeftOffset = 0
  353. Resume exit_fun
  355. End Function
  357. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. ' Procedure : adjustColumnWidths
  359. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  360. ' Author : Myke Myers [Split() replacement for Access 97 by Jamie Czernik]
  361. ' Purpose : Adjusts column widths for list boxes and combo boxes.
  362. ' Called By : modResize/Resize().
  363. ' Event Modification Information:
  364. ' 1. Chris Garland 02/07/2006
  365. ' The event was modified to check if there is any column size entry, and if not, the
  366. ' property is left blank on the control.
  367. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. Private Function adjustColumnWidths(strColumnWidths As String, sngFactor As Single) As String
  369. On Error GoTo Err_adjustColumnWidths
  371. Dim astrColumnWidths() As String 'Array to hold the individual column widths
  372. Dim strTemp As String 'Holds the recombined columnwidths string
  373. Dim lngI As Long 'For Loop counter
  374. Dim lngJ As Long 'Columnwidths counter
  376. 'Get the column widths:-
  377. 'THIS CODE BY JAMIE CZERNIK------------------------------------------->
  378. 'Replace the Split() function as not available in Access 97:
  379. 'Sets the array to one entry.
  380. ReDim astrColumnWidths(0)
  381. 'Loops through each character in the Column Widths String passed in by the calling code.
  382. For lngI = 1 To VBA.Len(strColumnWidths)
  383. 'Looks for each semicolon, which is what separates the individual Column Widths.
  384. Select Case VBA.Mid(strColumnWidths, lngI, 1)
  385. 'If a semicolon is not found, the character is added to the any characters
  386. ' already in the columnwidths entry in the array. If it is found, the
  387. ' Columnwidths Counter is incremented by one and the array is increased by
  388. ' one while retaining entered data so that the next columnwidth can be entered.
  389. Case Is <> ";"
  390. astrColumnWidths(lngJ) = astrColumnWidths(lngJ) & VBA.Mid( _
  391. strColumnWidths, lngI, 1)
  392. Case ";"
  393. lngJ = lngJ + 1
  394. ReDim Preserve astrColumnWidths(lngJ) 'Resize the array.
  395. End Select
  396. Next lngI
  397. 'Resets the loop counter to 0.
  398. lngI = 0
  399. '--------------------------------------------> END CODE BY JAMIE CZERNIK.
  400. 'Access 2000/2002 users can uncomment the line below and remove the split() code
  401. 'replacement above.
  402. 'astrColumnWidths = Split(strColumnWidths, ";")'Available in Access 2000/2002 only
  403. strTemp = VBA.vbNullString 'Sets the temp variable to a null string
  404. 'Loops through the all the columnwidths in the array, converting them to the new sizes
  405. ' (using the Width Size Conversion Factor that was passed-in), and recombining them
  406. ' into a single string to pass back to the calling code. (If there is no Column Width,
  407. ' the value is left blank.)
  408. Do Until lngI > UBound(astrColumnWidths)
  409. If Not IsNull(astrColumnWidths(lngI)) And astrColumnWidths(lngI) <> "" Then
  410. strTemp = strTemp & CSng(astrColumnWidths(lngI)) * sngFactor & ";"
  411. End If
  412. lngI = lngI + 1
  413. Loop
  414. 'Returns the combined columnwidths string to the calling code.
  415. adjustColumnWidths = strTemp
  416. Erase astrColumnWidths 'Destroy array.
  418. Exit_adjustColumnWidths:
  419. On Error Resume Next
  420. Exit Function
  422. Err_adjustColumnWidths:
  423. Erase astrColumnWidths 'Destroy array.
  424. Resume Exit_adjustColumnWidths
  426. End Function
  428. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. ' Procedure : getOrigWindow
  430. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  431. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  432. ' Purpose : Routine stores the original window dimensions before resizing call it
  433. ' when form loads. (before calling ResizeForm Me!).
  434. ' Call it: Form_Load()
  435. ' [More info in "Important Points" - point 5 - in help file.]
  436. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437. Public Sub getOrigWindow(frm As Access.Form)
  439. On Error Resume Next
  441. OrigWindow.Height = frm.WindowHeight
  442. OrigWindow.Width = frm.WindowWidth
  444. End Sub
  446. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. ' Procedure : RestoreWindow
  448. ' DateTime : 27/01/2003
  449. ' Author : Jamie Czernik
  450. ' Purpose : Routine restores the original window dimensions call it when form closes.
  451. ' Call it: Form_Close()
  452. ' [More info in "Important Points" - point 5 - in help file.]
  453. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  454. Public Sub RestoreWindow()
  456. On Error Resume Next
  458. Access.DoCmd.MoveSize , , OrigWindow.Width, OrigWindow.Height
  459. Access.DoCmd.Save
  461. End Sub

Yukarıdaki 1024 x 768 olmasını istediğiniz çözünürlüktür ve eğer farklı isterseniz değiştirin örneğin 800 x 600 gibi..
İlgili form kapanışında çözünürlük eski haline dönecektir merak etmeyin..
  1. this.setState({sign:"Here comes the sun...."})

Bu mesajı beğenenler:
Bu kod çok süper,
eline sağlık sayın beab2005
artık bütün çalışmalrımda kulanacam bu kodu...
İyi geceler...

Bu mesajı beğenenler:
Gerçekten harika bir düşünce yalnız ben acemi bir acsees ci olarak bir kodu bir butona veya girişe nasıl yazıyoruz bu konu hakkında bilgi verirseniz çok menmun olavağım o kadar harika kodlar var ki ? bunları nasıl kullanacağımı bilmiyorum. görsel olursa bin kez teşekür.

Bu mesajı beğenenler:
Bakın ilk mesajda da belirtmiştim. Modul kodları diye belirttiğim kısım için uygulamanızda bir modul oluşturun ve aynen kopyala yapıştır yapınız. Daha sonra da ilgili formların load veya open olayına;

ReSizeForm Me

yazmanız yeterlidir..
  1. this.setState({sign:"Here comes the sun...."})

Bu mesajı beğenenler:
beab2005 demiş ki:Merhaba;
Bakın ilk mesajda da belirtmiştim. Modul kodları diye belirttiğim kısım için uygulamanızda bir modul oluşturun ve aynen kopyala yapıştır yapınız. Daha sonra da ilgili formların load veya open olayına;

ReSizeForm Me

yazmanız yeterlidir..

kodu kopyaladım ve bir modul içine kapyaladım
ancak giriş saifesinden direk açılan bir formun var ve türkçe load ve open olarak bir şey bulamadım türçe olarak formda yükleyebileceğim yer varmı şimdiden teşekür yoksa nerden <reSizeForm > göstereeğim


Bu mesajı beğenenler:
beab2005 demiş ki:Merhaba;
Bakın ilk mesajda da belirtmiştim. Modul kodları diye belirttiğim kısım için uygulamanızda bir modul oluşturun ve aynen kopyala yapıştır yapınız. Daha sonra da ilgili formların load veya open olayına;

ReSizeForm Me

yazmanız yeterlidir..

Dediklerinizi yaptım ama başaramadım.
öncelikle formun tasarım modundan "açıldığında kısmına kod oluşturdan giderek kodlarınızı yazdım ve kapattım. tekrar açtığımda "resize Me makrosu bulunaması hatası verdi
sonra yeni bir modül oluştur diyerek adını"resize olarak koydum .
vee söylediğiniz gibi resize Me olarak yazdım o zamanda kod hatası verdi lütfen bir örnek ile bir forma nasıl uygulandığını gösterebilirmisin access 2000 dosya formatında olursa sevinirim diğer versionlar açmıyor.

şimdiden teşekürler.

Bu mesajı beğenenler:

Foruma Git:

Bu konuyu görüntüleyen kullanıcı(lar): 1 Ziyaretçi